In my opinion, there are really only two reasons to visit Great Yarmouth:
1. Mediterranean Gulls on the beach between the two piers
2. The old cemetery, which can be great for newly-arrived migrants, but wasn't today
The Med Gulls were fun, though (and the chips weren't bad):

Adults (no black in the wing)

Second-winter (a small amount of black)

First-winter (lots of black in wing and tail)

Having fun on the beach (helter skelter in the background)

Perhaps a visit to the Britannia Theatre?

Feeding frenzy
Several of the Meds wore rings, and I managed to read the numbers on a couple of plastic colour rings. I've sent off the details ( so it'll be interesting to read their life histories.
Belgium or the Netherlands look likely sources.

Black-headed Gulls



Holly (Winterton)
We started off at Winterton and failed to see much, apart from a cracking male Black Redstart. Loads of Blackbirds around, though.
Finished the day at the raptor roost at Stubb Mill, where we watched 30+ Marsh Harriers and at least two Hen Harriers come in. The Cranes were a disappointment, though - we only saw three very distantly, flying somewhere else for the night...
photos taken with
Canon EOS 30D,
EF 300mm f/4L IS USM