A day off work enabled me to join Chris at Ferry Meadows this morning for CES visit #2. Though it wasn't quite as productive as visit #1, there was plenty of interest.
The Sedge Warbler pictured above was a control. That means it was ringed by someone else at another site. We don't know where yet but the BTO will pass on details to Chris.
Dunnocks are seriously under-rated birds.
Male Whitethroat
We also caught last week's Jay again! Its bill was bloodstained - a reminder that it's not acorns that Jays are eating at this time of year... A female Reed Bunting we caught had rather unusual head markings - lots of black and could easily have been mistaken in the field for a male, but she had a whopping great brood patch.
Strangely for May, there was a significant air and ground frost when we started this morning. Couldn't resist a few macro shots between net rounds...
And closer in:
Quite jewel-like, I think.
photos taken with Nikon Coolpix 995
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