Went to Bedford Purlieus for a morning stroll. I was really hoping for Lesser Spotted Woodpecker but since I didn't know where they were meant to be and it's a pretty big site (208 hectares, whatever that means), I just decided to wander about in the hope of bumping into something.
The pic at the top is of three juvenile Long-tailed Tits which were being fed by their parents. There was no shortage of food - caterpillar poo (or frass, as I believe it is known) was literally raining down from the canopy!
This beastie is a longhorn species called Rhagium mordax (click here).
It's a fantastic wood, full of singing birds (I heard Nuthatch, Goldcrest, Coal Tit, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush) and a wide range of flora. I was fortunate enough to meet Bob and Emily, who were on the lookout for slow-worms, and they let me tag along for a while. Looking under pieces of corrugated plastic, we found two - one small and one large (picture below). Never seen one before so it was quite exciting.
More information about slow-worms (and snakes) here.
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