Did some more ringing today in the garden. One species dominated proceedings... can you guess which?
The totals:
- Greenfinch, 51!
- Blue Tit, 6 (+ one retrap originally ringed here in 2007)
- Dunnock, 6 (all juveniles)
- Great Tit, 3
- Goldfinch, 2
Most of the Greenfinches had purple, sticky beaks. They've been eating berries - blackberries and elderberries, I guess. Most birds like berries for the sugary pulp, but Greenfinches and Bullfinches take them for the seeds hidden inside. That means lots of bright purple poos.
Near-misses included Chaffinch, Robin, Swallow and Sparrowhawk...
photos taken with Canon Powershot A640
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