Saturday, January 06, 2007

On the move

In case anyone wondered, I'm still alive.

I've moved house, that's all. Here's the garden. As you can see, it's quite big and open. I can't remember the garden list so far, but after a month it does include Peregrine and House Sparrow!

House Sparrow seems to be a major rarity just here, as we've only had two records of a single female bird.

Green Woodpeckers are somewhat more frequent, and a male Great Spotted visits every day for seed.

Up to five Pheasants also visit daily and are making a bit of a mess under the feeders.

Here are some of our noisier neighbours.

photos taken with Nikon Coolpix 995


  1. Good to see you back :-) Great pictures, I wish we were getting so many birds in our garden.


  2. Yes, you've been missed. How you can expect us to be content with a Garganey for two months is a mystery.

    The garden looks great by the way. I've only a yard at the front and back of my terraced house but great woods at the end of the street.

    Local, Christmas highlights have been Shorelark and Firecrest.

  3. Well, it feels like two months!

  4. Happy New Year, Katie. Your new backyard looks great, as does your blog theme.
