Tempted towards the east coast by yesterday's reports of juicy migrants (Wrynecks, Barred and Greenish Warblers, flycatchers of varying hues, and just... stuff), we went to Gibraltar Point today.

Fortunately, there was more than a Green Sand there (though it was the only wader to pose for photos). The Long-billed Dowitcher and Lesser Yellowlegs were in front of the same hide (Jackson's) and showed reasonably well, if a bit distantly. Also a gaggle of Greenshank, a large gang of Black-tailed Godwits and a slightly more subtle Garganey.
There was a constant stream of Swallows passing south, along with a few Swifts and House Martins, and a Hobby. As we wandered along the shore, we watched a couple of Red Admirals fly ashore - into the wind - presumably just having crossed The Wash from Norfolk!
Not much else about, though.
digiscoped photo taken with Nikon Coolpix 995 + Leica Apo Televid 77 with 20x eyepiece
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