Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another meme

I don't even know what meme means.

Anyway, I've been tagged by Richard of the eponymous Birding Diary (note: I didn't know what eponymous meant until I wanted to buy the R.E.M. album of that name):

1. Write your own six word memoir

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you like.

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere

4 .Tag five more blogs with links

5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

My memoir is:

Red hair: I'm a genetic aberration

I'll tag: Pluvialis, Mike, McKinney, Malc and his pigs, and Amila.


  1. Funny memoir, thanks for playing the meme (rhymes with theme, just an internet blogger game!)

  2. Nice memoir Katie,very clever.
    I've just had to look up 'eponymous'
    myself.Thanks for taking part.I can't wait to see Tom McKinney's response!


  3. Hey Katie, I have accepted your challenge. See:

